
Watermelon Peppermint Tea

Watermelon Peppermint Tea

Dried fruit makes an excellent addition to a tea blend!  You can steep it along with your tea leaves!  I made Watermelon Peppermint Tea by just steeping a few pieces of dried watermelon along with some white tea leaves and dried peppermint. 

When you dehydrate watermelon, you concentrate all that sweet watermelon flavor.  Since Watermelon is mostly water, it dries down pretty small, but what remains is as sweet as candy!

Adding it into tea is so easy!  Just drop a few slices into your infuser along with your favorite tea.  I recommend a lighter tea such as white tea, or green tea.   A little peppermint adds a depth of flavor that you’ll love with the watermelon!  Sweeten it with a little honey if you like sweet tea!

Here’s how to make it:

Watermelon Peppermint Tea


1 T White tea leaves

1-2 tablespoons of dried watermelon pieces

1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves

180-185 f water


Combine the tea leaves, watermelon, and peppermint leaves in a tea infuser. Place infuser in cup and pour over hot water. The water should be about 180-185 degrees Fahrenheit.  You can use a thermometer if you want, but you don’t have to.  Just bring the water to a full boil and allow it to cool slightly for a couple of minutes. 

Allow your tea to brew for 5-10 minutes depending on how strong you like it.  Don’t be afraid to dip a spoon in and taste it after 5 minutes if you’re not sure how strong you want it.

For a refreshing summer drink, add ice!!

If you try this recipe, please let me know in the comments here, or on my Susan by a Thread Facebook page! Follow me on Facebook for all my latest projects and recipes! You can view the YouTube short video of this recipe here. And while you’re there, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!

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